The Boat Show, an asset for Italy


The Boat Show, an asset for Italy
All Italian institutions unanimously acknowledge the key role of the Genoa event – an irreplaceable showcase that tangibly and responsibly supports and promotes the Italian boating industry.
The 56th Genoa International Boat Show has already achieved one of its main objectives on its opening day: today, 20 September, it welcomed its guests as a perfect host, and, through the statements given by the institutions and by the top management of UCINA Confindustria Nautica (the Italian Marine Industry Association), it reiterated its key, strategic role for the boating industry and its entire supply chain.
During the opening ceremony held at the Teatro del Mare (Sea Theatre), Genoa Mayor Marco Doria highlighted the importance of this sector (“which stands out for its know-how and professionalism”), while Massimo Perotti, UCINA’s President Emeritus, expressed great enthusiasm: “Italy’s boating industry ranks first in the world, with a 23.7% market share”, said the owner of boat-building company San Lorenzo, the first individual brand in the world and the second group globally in terms of turnover. “We believe the Government should support the Boat Show, because the Boat Show deserves it”.

Salone_nautico_genova_Yachting_Pleasure5Enrico Costa, the Italian Minister for Regional Affairs, who attended the ceremony representing the Italian Government, gave a firm answer to this: “The boating sector has gone through hard times and was able to recover by itself. Now the State has to do its part by abolishing the too many laws that are a burden for this sector, without introducing new ones”. He then added: “I am proud to be here today, and the task of the State, whenever ideas, skills, and talent are present, is to reap the benefits of this and not be a hurdle. The State should no longer hinder entrepreneurs in their business. Every year, at the end of the year, the Speakers of the Parliament and the Senate hold wonderful press conferences, proudly announcing the number of laws passed during the year. I wish we could also celebrate the number of laws abolished”.

Salone_nautico_genova_Yachting_Pleasure4Full support has also been expressed by Paola De Micheli, the Undersecretary for the Economy and Finance, in videoconference from Rome: “We will extend our efforts to customs policies that can support regional policies in favour of the boating sector. A healthy relationship with the representatives of legitimate interests, as are those of UCINA Confindustria Nautica, has led to fully-deserved results for this sector”, she stated, reminding the audience how during the recession she visited entrepreneurs several times to show the Government’s support.

The President of Regione Liguria, the Liguria Regional Government, Giovanni Toti too firmly reiterated his full commitment to the Genoa Boat Show: “We have a firm will to preserve and relaunch this important asset. We acknowledge everyone’s great efforts, both in the past and today, towards the organization of the Boat Show. The Regional Government is in the forefront to relaunch it and protect it”. “This is what is needed – echoed him the vice Editor-in-Chief of newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore – Today I can proudly state I am a boat owner, I recently turned my love for the sea into reality and bought a sailing boat. A few years ago saying this lightly wouldn‘t have been so easy, and we should bear this in mind, starting with addressing the complex bureaucracy that affects anyone wishing to get a nautical driving license, for instance”.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Harbour Master’s Offices, Vincenzo Melone, highlighted the need to streamline bureaucracy in terms of boat inspections”. The General Command of the Italian Harbour Master’s Offices, together with UCINA Confindustria Nautica, is currently working with the Ministry’s Directorate for Maritime Transport in 12 technical committees for the drafting of the decrees implementing the new Recreational Craft Code. “That’s where we are tangibly taking action to achieve these objectives”.

The Round Table then extended its focus to Italy’s future in more general terms, and the floor was taken by Simone Perillo, the International Relations Manager of the Rome 2024 Committee. “The Olympics in Rome would be the opportunity to gain new momentum and look ahead at the future, not only for Rome, but for all the 11 cities involved in the Games, including Genoa, as well as to promote sports practice and allow for the upgrading of existing infrastructures. It should be noted that in the two years after the 2012 Olympic Games, tourist flows to London literally doubled”.

Salone_Nautico_Genova_Yachting_Pleasure_6A long series of events is scheduled for tomorrow: from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm an important international conference entitled Barca 4.0 (Boat 4.0), organized by UCINA Confindustria Nautica, will be held at the Sea Theatre, which will also be the venue of many afternoon events. Starting at 1.00 pm sharp, presentation of skipper Gaetano Mura’s solo world tour; at 2.00 pm, press conference presenting Annalaura di Luggo’s art exhibition, “Sea Visions” – 7 points of view; from 3.00 to 4.00 pm, presentation of the book “Siamo liberi” (We are free) by Elena Sacco, published by Il Frangente; from 4.00 to 5.00 pm, the Italian Navy will present its 2017 Calendar, while from 5.30 to 6.30 Naim Abid will pay a music tribute to the Beatles. As mentioned above, all these events will be held at the Teatro del Mare (Sea Theatre).

Pavilion B, in turn, will host a meeting entitled “Economia Circolare:futuro e presente per la nautica innovativa e sostenibile” (Circular Economy: the future and the present of innovative and sustainable boating), starting at 3.00 pm and promoted by trade association Ascomac Unimot in cooperation with UCINA Confindustria Nautica.

Obviously, sea trials and workshops will be ongoing both in the morning and in the afternoon, allowing visitors to fully enjoy the Show in its natural habitat: water.

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