Diego Deprati e Angelo Giaccone


La Spezia, 6th march 2012 – Baglietto, historical shipyard based in La Spezia, announces a new management that run the yard towards the recovery plan which will lead the famous “Seagull” brand again into the yachting hall of fame.

Since 1st February 2012 Diego Michele Deprati established himself as the new Mananging Director of BAGLIETTO shipyard; close to him as Production Director, Angelo Giaccone. They will be in charge of the tough and challenging goal to restore the glorious past of the iconic Italian brand BAGLIETTO.

Diego Michele Deprati can boast a notable curriculum vitae: born in 1963, a phd in engineering, after covering power roles in the Italian Navy he worked for more than 20 years in the MONDO group covering many different important roles and in 2001 he was appointed as Managing Director (directly looking after the sales as well) of MONDO MARINE shipyard. Together with him ,since the very beginning of this adventure, Angelo Giaccone, 49 years old, a background in the world industry and more than 20 years of experience as Production Director.

A new challenge that both of them took over with enthusiasm and passion. After so many years spent together and so many experience shared, this well-established team bases itself on three major words: firmness, seriousness and capacity. “I am very happy to start this new experience for such a prestigious brand like BAGLIETTO –declared Deprati – We are putting together a great team enthusiastic and very motivated with the shared goal of taking back in a very short time the historical brand of the “Seagull” in the hall of fame of the major pleasure yachting”.

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