Construction of the new shipyard making huge strides forward. Visions of Frauscher shipyard are realized

Construction of the new shipyard making huge strides forward.
Visions of Frauscher shipyard are realized

Gmunden, 2nd February 2012: Once again, the innovative traditional boat builders from Lake Traunsee have proven that they can put their words in to motion. The construction of their new headquarters which began in the summer of 2011 is developing quicker than expected. Now by means of a specially produced video all friends and fans can follow the development for themselves. It doesn‘t only involve the bare representation of facts but also the feel of the world identity of Frauscher “engineers of emotions”.
Some impressive facts: 3.000m² of constructed surface area on a plot of
35.000 m². The new shipyard will be approximately 1.5 times larger than the
previous one and will offer the possibility to build bigger yachts and increase the
number of boats to approximately 125 units per year. To achieve these goals,
an increase in employees from 35 to around 50 will be necessary. These figures
speak for themselves and underline the importance of this project.
However, the most significant attribute is the merging of production, sales, marketing and controlling to one location. Thereby, successfully improving the processesand internal communication decisively. The employees will therefore have even more time to devote themselves to their biggest passion: the development and the construction of unique yachts ”Made in Austria” and “Made by Frauscher”. True “engineers of emotions”.

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